Tuesday, July 6, 2021

10 Email Writing Tips for Cold Email marketing

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Why do you think you are not reaping much from cold email marketing? Are you doing everything right?

Trust me, writing and sending emails to strangers and expect a response has never been easy for anybody leave alone freelance content writers. But when done well, it is a powerful tool that will drive your near-term and long-term growth for you and your organization.

However, there are no standard and perfect rules for cold email marketing. For these reasons, not many people have mastered the art of cold emailing.

So, stay with me as we highlight the ten email writing tips for cold email marketing that have proved to be a success.

But before the tips,

Why do You Need Cold Email Marketing?

It is creepy to send an email to a person you do not know about. You might be asking yourself, is it necessary for me to send cold emails?

Well, maybe you have tried and failed miserably.

But, before you give up on cold email marketing, let me tell you why it has worked with others.

  • Cold emails are more efficient in reaching your audience because you go straight to their inboxes.
  • Cold emails will help you generate more leads and close more sales than you can imagine.
  • With cold emailing, you have a chance of having a broader coverage of your audience.
  • Cold emailing requires less resource commitment with minimal effort, but more people reached.
  • Cold emailing creates a more personal touch with your customer. Unlike other social media outreach, which your audience might miss, but your email will be in their inbox waiting for action.
  • Cold emailing boost your outreach level more significantly than other methods used to reach your audience.
  • Cold emailing is a known tool for starting conversations with your audience.

Categories of Cold Email Marketing

Besides understanding why cold email marketing is crucial for you and your organization, perhaps it would help if we highlighted different categories of cold email.

  • Media cold emailing

You figure out which media house, journalist, or blogger can be interested in your product or service.

  • Brand cold emailing

Are you looking to have a working relationship with a specific brand? Cold emailing to these brands may work for you

  • Link building.

Cold emailing for inbound link building to your resources, content, and brand goes a long way in boosting your product or service.

  • Content promotion.

If you want to promote your content or service, cold emailing will build a lasting relationship with your prospective audience.

  • Networking 

Many marketers have proved cold emailing to create lasting networks with the target audience. It involves link building, content promotion, and service promotions.

  • Sales cold emailing 

Do you want to sell a product or service to a person or brand you don’t know? Try cold email marketing. It cuts down on the time, labor, and money taken to clear all the sales processes.

Therefore, choose which cold emailing marketing category best fits your audience and make a bold step to reach your target.

Email Writing Tips for Cold Email marketing 

When done well, cold emailing has proved to work for many marketers.

 But, how do you approach your target audience using cold emailing?

The following tips will be helpful when sending emails to uncontacted and unknown recipients.

1. Research 

A successful cold email marketing campaign is not about writing tons of emails, but it involves having a deep understanding of your target audience.

First, find out the correct details about their contact, age, and level of expertise or education. Besides, if it is an organization, determine its size, structure, and success. This will go a long way in getting a response.

Moreover, determine if the recipient of your email has a problem that your product or service can solve.

Go ahead and connect with your target audience on different platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, and Twitter. It goes a long way in solving the problem of getting the recipients’ contacts and other relevant information to send a cold email.

Simply put, for you to receive positive feedback, always know who you are emailing.

Remember, failing to have an informed background of your uncontacted recipient will have your email treated as spam.

2. List of Recipient 

After you have researched your target audience, you have to list down all the ideal recipients. However, it is not a guarantee that you will have a list of all the contacts you need.

Therefore, you can go out of your way to have contact emails. Moreover, the following resources will help you to build a list for cold emailing.

  • Perform a LinkedIn search
  • Subscribe to the companies newsletter, which might have email contact
  • Use Google search to get the companies details.
  • Go ahead and request your recipients for their email contacts.
  • Install the ContactOut plugging extension in your Google Chrome browser
  • Voila Norbert’s technique will help you to build an email list. All you need is the name of your recipient and the company website.
  • Get in touch with the company’s switchboard operator and request to have the recipient’s number or email.

It will not help much if you fail to get accurate and valuable information and prospects’ contacts. Therefore, take your time and build a list that will bear fruits while cold emailing.

3. Properly Structured and a Catchy Subject Line 

It is a sneaky tip that many marketers fail to understand about cold emailing. It comes at the top of your email. Therefore it makes your prospect open or to ignore your mail.

How do you write your subject line?

Forget using terms that may only portray you as an attention seeker. Terms such as RE, NOTE, URGENT, and the likes

Capitalize on the emotions of your recipients by being transparent, building curiosity, and being straight to the point. As a result, your prospect does not have a whole day trying to decode your subject line.

Besides being short and simple, let your subject line be descriptive and appealing to your audience. Also, let your subject line be personal, friendly, actionable, and connecting with your recipient.

 4. Mail Content

 A catchy and well-structured subject line will lead your prospect recipient to open your email.

How do you ensure they stay hooked to your cold email?

We mentioned early that as you cold mail, know and understand who your prospect recipient is. Therefore, the content of your email should be quality and offer value to your audience.

Valuable content means your email should offer a solution to the problem the recipient might be facing. Besides, be appreciative and build a connection by writing as if you are talking to your audience physically.

Remember, you are writing to an uncontacted recipient. Therefore you need to build trust by understanding your prospect’s perspective, being concise, consistent and address their concern.

While you remain relevant in offering a solution to the recipient’s problem, try and avoid the sales language in your mail.

5. Consider the Length of Your Email

With all the content you need to pass to your recipients, how long should your email be, and how short should it also be?

Your email should be short and straight to the point, but long enough to capture the attention, build a lasting relationship and achieve your intended goal. It should not be more than 125 words and not less than 80 words.

The idea is to write an email that your audience will read. Moreover, Statistics have shown that short emails attract more replies than long emails.

Therefore, you will have to avoid any salutations in your email and forget about your details to deliver a precise email. Like the subject line, let the body of your cold email be short, appealing, and descriptive.

Finally, remember to guide your audience to a possible course of action in a simple, enticing, and easy-to-do way.

6. Call to Action

The main goal of sending Cold emails is to get a response from your target group. Therefore your email should lead them to your expected call of action.

How do you achieve that?

First, recognizing the problem that your email recipient has is one step closer to your CTA. Therefore you wrap it up by guiding them to where the solution is your product or service.

Nevertheless, you can also show gratitude to your recipient with little show of vulnerability to their situation. Your first cold email goal is to make conduct with them. It will be inappropriate to ask for a CTA.

Capture the following tips in your email when guiding your prospect to take a specific CTA

  • Refrain from asking for a sale in your first email
  • Only consider a helpful guide to your CTA.
  • Let your CTA be simple and easy to follow either by including a link. 

7. Follow up Emails

Maybe someone lied to you that sending a second and a third email to your prospect annoys them. On the contrary, research has shown that most recipients respond to the second and third emails.

Therefore, ignoring sending second and third follow-up emails might be limiting your chances of getting a response.

However, there are rules to observe when writing a follow-up email.

  • Avoid sending multiple follow-up emails. Instead, change the way you present your content. Could you put it in a different perspective?
  • Restructure how you guide your recipient to take action. For example, maybe your CTA did not make sense in your first email. But sending your mail using a different approach can work for you.
  • Your follow-up email should not pester or present disappointment because your prospect did not respond. Likewise, don’t seek sympathy from your audience.
  • Besides, please take note of the tone used in your follow-up email and let your prospect find it easy to respond to your follow-up email.

8. Include an email Signature in your Mails

Yes, not many will include a customized email signature to their email. But the signature goes a long way in building trust between you and the stranger you are sending your cold pitch.

So what makes a signature?

  • It would help if you had an email profile that shows a clear picture of yourself.
  • State the company you are working for and the position you hold in that company.
  • Include your contacts details
  • List all your social media handles.

With these details on your email, your recipient will not mistake you for a scammer. Thus you can quickly build trust resulting in a quick response.

9. Proofread your email

How do you respond to a poorly structured email full of grammatical errors and spelling mistakes?

No one will care about looking at such an email. Therefore, always check and recheck your emails before clicking the send button.

Read loudly to get a more concise feel of the words used in your email. Besides, you can use the grammar tools found only to have a well-crafted email.

Remember, a poorly drafted email full of grammatical mistakes is likely to be treated as spam, and you will not get a response from the recipient. Therefore, look professional by taking your time to proofread your emails.

10. Keep track of your mails 

Cold email for marketing involves sending multiple emails to strangers. Naturally, some will respond, but a high percentage will not.

Therefore, put your systems in place to keep track of the number of emails sent, the responses received, failed emails that require to be resent, and which emails need follow-up.

By doing so, you can determine the resources that you need to run a successful campaign, the costs involved, and what else you should do to optimize cold emailing.

What to do to make Your Cold Email ignored

You can get positive responses from your targeted audience with these tips.

But, if you want your target audience to treat your email as spam, please do the following.

  • Forget all the flaws in your email and click the send button without proofreading. That will put your email in the spam folder.
  • Templates are good, but they might not connect with your recipients’ expectations. It will help if you ignore them and align your content with your recipients’ understanding. But if you want to sound robotic, use templates.
  • Cold emailing is about sending emails to people you haven’t met before. But for your emails to be ignored, send them to everybody without confirming their correct contact information.
  • Write long emails that give all the history about you, your business, and the services you offer. Remember, people have busy schedules and have no time for your details. That way, your email will end in the spam folder.

There you have it; you would not want to use these harmful tips while sending your cold emails, neither will I use them.

Bottom line

A successful cold emailing marketing campaign has proved to close many sales deals when done well.

The secret to it is keeping it short for the recipient to take minimal time reading but long enough to build a long-lasting relationship.

Therefore, learn the art of writing a converting cold email based on the information gathered from your research and become a better freelancer. Moreover, align your content to offer a personal level of your recipient.

from Best Blog For Freelancers https://blog.bawabba.com/freelance-content-writer/10-email-writing-tips-for-cold-email-marketing/

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