Saturday, June 27, 2020

5 Top KPI Measures For Freelancers That Can Help You Track Marketing, Sales and Customer Experience

5 Top KPI Measures For Freelancers That Can Help You Track Marketing, Sales and Customer Experience

If you are hiring a freelancer to help you acquire more leads, drive more email sign-ups, or push sales, you need to track performance. This is to determine whether hiring freelancers is working for your company. It will be difficult to tell the value of freelancers in Dubai if you are not tracking their performance. Every successful digital marketing starts with setting goals and key performance indicators (KPIs). What would you like to get at the end of the campaign or project? KPIs refer to quantifiable measures that you can use to gauge the achievements as per pre-set goals and objectives. KPIs take into account your entire website’s data over time to define your business success metrics.

Before you begin measuring your performance, you must create smart goals that align with your business objectives. Defining your goals helps you get a clearer picture of the things you would like to achieve and the timeline. Different companies can have dissimilar KPIs depending on their needs. In this article, we bring some of the most useful KPIs for freelancers that you can use to track and tweak the performance of their work.

Top KPIs Measures To Help Quantify Performance Of Your Team Based On Different Goals

Marketing KPIs

If you are hiring a freelancer to help you market products, you can use marketing KPIs to measure the benefits based on essential goals like generating qualified leads. The marketing KPIs can help you gauge how freelancers help you increase awareness, enhance trust, and improve the subscription rate. They are further explained below:

1. Conversion Rate

The purpose of hiring freelancers is to help businesses increase their rate of conversions. Conversion is not all about sales. Signing up to your newsletter, contributing to a cause, and downloading an e-book can be translated as a conversion. In content marketing, the conversion is the number of visitors who find your content engaging and helpful enough to sign up for something or become paying customers. You should track the conversion rate by content type to determine the area that is performing better. It is also necessary to analyze why some of your traffic does not convert.

2. Qualified Leads

Although a high number of website visitors means there is something you are doing well, it is not a measure of success on its own. You need to tell the actual number of visitors who are buying from your website. Those who purchase are the qualified leads as they meet the qualification you have set. You may have to invest in customer relationship management software to get the number of qualified leads. Traditionally, people would track the URL on the “Thank You” page, but that is only effective in managing the total number of leads.

Sales KPIs

This KPI measure is necessary for helping you determine whether the website is doing well in helping you achieve your sales goals.

3. Sales Conversion Rate

If all your sales happen on your website, you can use tools like Google Analytics to the underlying data behind every purchase. The analytic tools help you gather a variety of data on your sales conversion rate, including the number of transactions, total revenue, and the number of items purchased. You can use the data to find the most important sources of traffic in terms of the quality and quantity of their spending. The sales data can help you improve your marketing strategies by optimizing them based on success metrics.

4. Time Before Purchase

Most businesses do not usually measure how long it took a customer to convert. A customer visiting your site several times before finally buying does not necessarily mean trouble. It means that the customer needed more time familiarizing your company, among other reasons. The problem is when the customers cannot get the information they need to help them close the deal quickly. Your website should be optimized to help people find and purchase their suitable products as soon as possible. Some of the advanced analytics tools can help you gather more customer behaviors by offering you the visits customers make to purchase.

Design KPIs

You can use your website KPIs to determine the value and effectiveness of your freelance web designers in Dubai. They are useful in measuring customer experience. Your desktop and mobile version should offer the best experience irrespective of the point and device of contact. All your design metrics, including page load time, navigation should work towards improving customer satisfaction.

5. Customer Satisfaction

Tracking customer satisfaction is highly subjective and requires a hard metric to track, but it offers greater value. You can use tools like surveys and customer reviews to measure experience and satisfaction. You can gather a lot of data that can help you identify problems and make adjustments.


It is pointless to hire a freelancer if you do have measures of tracking their effectiveness. The best freelancers in Dubai work with data and can help you track your project’s progress based on your goals. It further helps you determine the areas that need improvement to help you get the best returns from your freelancing team. 

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Helpful Tips On How To Set And Use Milestones For Freelancers 

Helpful Tips On How To Set And Use Milestones For Freelancers 

The Corona pandemic has changed the business world as we knew it before 2020. Businesses have to adapt to the new changes brought about by the COVID-19, such as maintaining social distance and working remotely. Remote workers have seen more jobs as companies start to prefer freelancers in the UAE for jobs that would be done by internal employees. Companies are expected to have the majority of their employees working from home, with only a few remaining in the offices.

It is now becoming a new normal for companies to build a successful freelancing team in the UAE to carry out basic accounting, marketing, and operations functions. However, unless you have built your online recruitment reputation, you may have to do things differently to attract the most suitable candidates. In the same way, you would give benefits to appeal to the best employees; you may have to offer distinctive elements in your job description to make your job competitive. A simple way you can use to differentiate your job offer and attract exceptional talent is to offer milestones.

Why Offer Milestones To Freelancers?

Milestones play an essential role in helping businesses track the progress of projects and provide an integral tool in measuring the success rate. Milestones keep everyone focused on the project, ensuring that the parts contribute to the outcome. Every freelancer involved in the project is aware of the end goal and smaller goals that are part of the bigger picture, including their efforts in contributing to the final goal.

Before delving into how to use the milestones effectively, you need first to understand what they are and how they add value to your business. Project milestones enable you to break down a project into small sections to give your freelancers a clear idea of what you would like and how it should be done. Milestones are not deadlines but smaller tasks that need to be achieved as part of a more critical job. For example, when you hire freelance web designers in Dubai to help you create an online store, you can break down the tasks to various tasks like designing, hosting, content creation, and customer experience. Breaking down the project ensures that your designers do not get overwhelmed by instructions.

What are the advantages of setting project milestones?

Schedule activities

Milestones give you the power to schedule the critical points of your project and the timelines on when they should be completed. They help to keep the team on track, ensuring the final project will be completed on time. Make sure that the freelancers clearly understand their roles and the need to deliver on time.

Evaluation on the go

Breaking your project into several parts makes it easy to evaluate and undertake the necessary changes. It will be time-consuming and expensive to effect changes at the end of the project, which might need the whole work to be redone. Monitoring the project on the go enables you to spot areas that could be problematic. It also makes it easy to include areas of improvement that may not have been factored earlier.

Celebrate success

Meeting a milestone successfully is a sign of progress. Although your freelancers may be busy working on the next phase of the project, you can use the milestones to keep your team’s spirit high. Acknowledge the efforts the team put into attaining the milestone and motivate them to work harder to achieve the overall project objectives.

How To Set Milestones for Freelancers

  • Mark critical tasks – Define the tasks that should be completed and their timeline
  • Determine the end of a stage – The end-stage is when all payments and other steps should be finalized
  • Establish the deliverables – At what stage will you consider the project complete for use?
  • Focus on goals and key results – Review the progress of the launched project and track results to ensure that it is hitting the targets.

Setting milestones for freelancers in the UAE is a good start, but you will not receive the full benefits unless you look for ways to track and report on the progress. You can use the milestones as great reporting tools to people who may not be interested in the technical details of what you are doing. The data from milestones enable stakeholders to see the phases that have been completed and how close you are to the final goal. You can also see the roadblocks that can hinder you from achieving the set targets and working on them to keep the project on track.


Setting milestones for freelancers in the UAE is a successful way to keep your project on track and employees remote workers motivated to finish the work on time. However, you need to use them effectively to attain the set goal and objectives.

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from Bawabba Blog

8 Benefits Of Hiring a Freelance Project Manager 

8 Benefits Of Hiring a Freelance Project Manager 

Running a business on your own can be hectic and exhausting. You are not going to give your customers the best when you are dealing with sales, management, customer care, and administrative work at the same time. Hiring freelancers in Dubai is an effective strategy that startups can use to outsource different tasks, allowing entrepreneurs to focus on the primary function of the business. The biggest challenge most startups experience is inadequate capital. Hiring freelancers allows you to navigate the issue of capital as you only pay for the work done, giving your company a competitive edge. However, if you forget to review and approve freelancers’ work, you should consider hiring a freelance project manager.

You can benefit from the work and experiences of a project manager if you have less time for your freelancers. In some freelancing platforms, failure to approve a freelancer’s work within a specified timeline can result in automatic approval. Furthermore, failure to address the issues of freelancers quickly will result in delays in the completion of your project. A freelance project manager comes in handy in ensuring that your project is completed on time and on budget. In this article, you will find the top reasons why you should hire a freelance project manager.

8 Ways a Freelance Project Manager Can Add Value To Your Project

1. Timely delivery

Project managers use their skills and experience to ensure that everything is delivered within the stipulated timeline. The lack of clarity is one of the major reasons why projects experience delays. A project manager negotiates achievable and reasonable milestones and deadlines among teams, stakeholders, and management before the kick-off, for a successful launch. During the planning stage, the project manager defines and clarifies project scope; develops project schedules and policies that support the achievements of the objectives.

2. Cost-saving

Cost management is a critical part of every project. The cost can spiral depending on other factors like failure to stick to scope and timeframe. The project manager ensures that all stakeholders are sticking to their role, avoiding delays and mistakes that can negatively impact the project. If changes and additions are necessary, the project manager will look for effective ways to accommodate them, considering the cost effect.

3. Quality output

Despite their efforts in ensuring timely and cost-efficient delivery, project managers are continually measuring, evaluating, and correcting the work to provide high-quality output. They ensure that the work is of the highest quality by putting up control tools and techniques to ensure the project meets quality standards at all times. They also put in place quality standards that offer a basis for corrective action.

4. Supervision

It is necessary to maintain close control to ensure everyone is giving all towards the successful completion of your project. A project manager organizes your project into task lists and phases for easy monitoring and supervision. They also assign tasks and requests for status reports, ensuring that everyone is on time and within the budget. The managers are aware of where the project is and where it is going next, ensuring that the components are in place for a smooth transition.

5. Accountability

A project manager encourages clear and concise communication with the project team and other stakeholders, avoiding conflicts. With clear, concise communication, it becomes easy to give clarifications when necessary, decreasing confusion. Furthermore, since the project manager is involved in the day to day running of the project, you can get immediate reports on the progress, increasing accuracy.

6. Flexibility

Although hiring a contractor can help deliver what you want, a project manager adds versatility to your project. Contractors may find it difficult to consult with you to avoid creating a perception that they do not understand their work. Hiring a project manager can help bridge the gap, ensuring that the contractor can ask for clarifications at any stage of the work.

7. Efficiency

Even when the project is still within the budget and timeline, a project manager can help find areas of wastage. Increasing efficiency in a project can result in massive cost savings and quick delivery of the outcomes. A freelance project manager can study how your team works to find loopholes that do not add value to the work and align the process, increasing efficiency.

8. Full focus on your project

It isn’t easy to maintain a 100-percent focus on your project when dealing with other tasks and duties. As an entrepreneur, you will need to focus on the day to day running of your business. A project manager lets you focus on your business while enjoying peace of mind that your project is progressing well.


When dealing with complex, multi-faceted projects, you can increase efficiency, control costs, and ensure that your project is within the timeline by hiring freelancers in Dubai specializing in project management. A freelance project manager acts as your right-hand person in managing your team, tracking project progress, and ensuring completion.  

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from Bawabba Blog

Saturday, June 20, 2020

When to Accept, Reject, or Request Revision from a Freelance Content Writer

When to Accept, Reject, or Request Revision from a Freelance Content Writer

The easiest way to get quality content written for your website is by getting the services from an experienced freelance content writer in Dubai. However, with an increasing number of freelancers in the market, it is no brainer that some of them would deliver sub-standard work for you. 

Such shoddy work doesn’t resonate well with search engines such as Google, meaning they will end up punishing poorly written website content by making it fail to rank on its result pages. Moreover, if you depend on your site to boost sales, lousy content will chase your customers away instead of luring them into making a purchase. 

Luckily, there are ways you can know whether to accept, reject, or request for revision from the freelancer regarding their submitted pieces. 

When to approve the content

Before handing out an assignment to your freelancer, you must have identified what you wish to achieve in the content you want them to write. This means that you have to offer them a list of instructions on how you want the project to be handled. So how will you tell whether you should accept the submitted piece?

The biggest mistake a content writer can make is submitting an article full of grammatical errors. When visitors to your site find so many errors in the content published, they might lose trust in your brand, which is harmful to your business. Furthermore, the bounce rate also rises, making it more difficult to rank you on the search engine result pages. 

You should only accept the content when it is free from any grammatical errors. Luckily, there are tools that freelance content writers in the UAE use, such as Grammarly, that will help you to highlight any grammatical issues.

The next thing to consider is whether your instructions were followed to the latter. Each client has their unique way of dealing with things, which forces the freelancers to become more flexible to accommodate your preferred style of submitting documents. While some employers require their writers to include hyperlinks and interlinks, you should ensure that they are valid and redirect the reader to the right location.

Does the title of the project match the content written in the body? Does it make sense? Does the writer have a good flow of ideas, or are they jumpy? If the answer to any of these questions is not ‘yes,’ then you shouldn’t accept it just yet. 

When to request for revision

If you want to request for revision of the content, it means that you are somewhat okay with the writer’s style, command of the language, and the content is useful for your readers. In some cases, you might even find that the content is well-researched, and the message is clear throughout the article. 

However, you may request for revision to done if:

  • The readability of the article needs to be improved through the use of correct subtitles or numbering.
  • The interlinks and external links have not been used appropriately.
  • The keywords have not been used as you want them, or in other situations, they haven’t been used at all.
  • The content writer left out some vital information.
  • There are minor spelling errors

Since human is to err, freelance content writers in Dubai might make these simple mistakes once in a while. This shouldn’t warrant a complete rejection of the work, but you should also try to keep them motivated by giving them tips on how to improve on their skills

When to reject

At other times, the client might deem it fit to reject the work of the content writer. This happens if they feel that the quality is way below average and that they would spend a great chunk of time trying to edit it on their own. While you might be lenient and ask for a revision in some cases, you may experience jokers and you feel like you should cancel them outright. 

One of the biggest sins a writer can make is to submit plagiarized content. If you passed the article through some of the best plagiarism checkers and it turns out that it is not unique, you have no otherwise but to reject it. Some writers decide to become cheeky by spinning content using online tools. When going through the article, it will be easier to detect if a spinning tool was used.

Other instances to reject the work is when the thoughts aren’t well-organized under the subtitles. If the writer keeps on digressing from the topic or writing fluff, then the article has to be rejected. A freelance content writer should possess excellent research skills, among other qualities to enable them to become better at their craft. 


Before you decide to reject or request a revision, you should first understand that no one is perfect, and mistakes do happen. However, some of the best freelance content writers in Dubai ensure that such simple mistakes seldom happen, hence providing you with top-notch content.

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How to Offer Constructive Criticism to a Freelancer Without Hurting Them

How to Offer Constructive Criticism to a Freelancer Without Hurting Them

Sometimes when you hire a freelancer in Dubai, the quality of the work submitted might not be at par with your requirements. The next step would be to give your feedback as you decide on the next course of action to undertake. 

It is much easier when you have a direct line of communication between the two of you. However, it becomes a lot tricky when you have to leave a negative comment on the writer’s profile when using some of the sites that offer freelancing opportunities. This is because negative feedback attached to a freelancer’s account (which might be hard to delete in the future) might jeopardize their online career since some other prospective clients might not want to hire them. 

So how do you offer constructive criticism to a freelancer without also hurting them? Here are five ways you can achieve that:

1. Start by telling someone what you like

To make someone open to hearing out a comment that they might find injurious, you may have to begin with an honest compliment. You should challenge yourself to find something positive about the freelancer’s work and acknowledge it. Even though they didn’t really attain what you had in mind, it would be prudent to let them know that they tried.

2. Pause and reflect on your intentions

Providing feedback is one of the ways clients can help freelancers to grow in their careers. However, before you offer your criticism, you should pause and reflect on what your intentions are. Avoid hyper-criticism and perfectionist tendencies. Ensure that your obsessive need for control doesn’t drive you into thinking people would match your unrealistic standards.

3. Speak privately

If you run a team of freelancers in the UAE, you must be aware of the best collaboration and communication tools that you can use to relay your messages to the entire group at once. However, it is only fair to offer negative feedback to a freelancer privately, without letting everyone else know about it. 

If you fail to do this, you might kill their driving force and morale to continue working in that field. This would eventually damage their career. The best you can do is to take them aside and converse privately, without telling other people about their weaknesses.

4. Explain in detail what you’d like them to do

This is the moment you explain to the freelancer where they went wrong and tell them what is expected of them in the future. Do not use a harsh tone as this would only damage them emotionally but also might ruin their chances of getting gigs if the comment is posted on one of the freelancing sites. 

5. Be considerate to newbies

Freelancers in Dubai take time to become professionals, and whatever your craft is, you might have also taken some time before you mastered it. Do not expect some expert-level work submitted to you by someone who’s just starting out in the career. Take your time to train them on how things are run, teach them a few tricks that they can use, and be patient too. 

Besides, the fact that you hired a newbie means you probably are offering low rates. If you want top-notch content, you might have to cough out a few extra coins to get the services of a professional.


When freelancers in Dubai feel respected and appreciated, they become challenged to continue growing in their line of work. Take part in their journey by offering them constructive criticism without jeopardizing their career.

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Tuesday, June 16, 2020

5 Things you Should Know about a Freelance Content Writer During an Interview

5 Things you Should Know about a Freelance Content Writer During an Interview

?Many brands and companies are now shifting their focus towards getting better content for their websites. The best solution for this is to look for some of the best freelance content writers in Dubai to deliver top-notch pieces. Before hiring the perfect freelance content writer, you need to ensure that they are well versed in content writing and everything that evolves around it. They should display both the technical and soft skills necessary for a professional content writer.

Choosing the wrong candidate wastes not only your time but also your resources. Here are five things you need to find out about a prospective content writing candidate before taking them in:

1. What is their content creation strategy?

One of the most crucial things to consider is the content creation strategy used by the writer. These strategies entail planning, creation, delivering, and governance of the content. Additionally, they include how the images and other multimedia are used for the content.

The freelance content writer needs to define marketing objectives, identify target clients, brainstorm ideas for the content, and finally roll out the perfect plan to execute them.

2. Do they have a deep understanding of SEO?

SEO (search engine optimization) is essential in content writing, especially if you want your content to rank in search engine results pages (SERPs). The freelance content writers in the UAE need not be experts, but they need to have basic knowledge about SEO, such as on-page SEO functions and Google algorithms.

Understanding SEO is not rocket science, as much of it is pretty straightforward. Some of the things a professional content writer should know are:

  • How to gauge keyword density and how to come up with an ideal size
  • How to create engaging meta tags (Meta description and titles)
  • Body tags which include the use of the headings and sub-headings
  • The correct usage of interlinks and hyperlinks
  • The use of alt tags to describe attributes of an image

3. How do they understand the target audience?

Every content is usually geared to a specific niche and audience. The freelancer needs to know how to create content that the audience loves. You can ask them how they identify the consumers and ways they can go about creating content to comfortably suit the audience’s preference.

How do they determine the audience’s personality and needs? Do they take analysis and review data insights from sales and customer service to research the target audience?

4. Do they conduct topic research?

You need to know if the prospective candidate can come up with good topics for your projects. How do they come up with relevant topics for your website? Are they relevant? Will your audience be interested in such topics? You should understand how they come up with such topic ideas if any.

One of the most popular ways freelance content writers in Dubai do is to analyze conversations of competitors or keep track of blogs and articles from subject matter experts and critics to come up with a topic.

5. Do they analyze the performance of the content?

You need to ensure that the freelancer you choose knows how to monitor the performance of their content. How do they know whether their piece was successful? Do they have any tools for that? 

If they are unable to do so on their end, do they tell you on what ways you can follow to track the performance? Are they aware of what traffic to the website means? How do they determine whether an article has received more engagement? 

They might be checking call to actions; inquiries lead, and even sales. It’s great if the freelancer knows what to improve or stress when releasing the next content, especially if the previous content didn’t perform well.

Parting Shot

It would help if you went for a freelance content writer in Dubaiwho knows what they are doing by creating content for you without straining. Additionally, they need to know everything from content strategy, writing the content itself, integrating SEO into the material, and monitoring the performance of the content. Usually, it’s more than just creating content.



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