Tuesday, May 11, 2021

How to Create a Strong Visual Brand on Social Media

With the current technological advancements, it is of great importance to have a strong social media presence. Social media, being one of the most powerful marketing tools, is now a necessity for the survival of any brand. It is, however, prudent to understand that merely having an account on a popular social platform doesn’t guarantee that people will love your content, let alone follow you.

This is why it is crucial to arm yourself with the basic skills that will help in creating a strong visual identity for your brand. One of the things that enable the top freelance social media managers in Dubai is their extensive knowledge of the various ingredients of successful visual brand identity on social media.

No one is interested in followers, likes, or engagements that will not translate to high conversions. It is, therefore, crucial for one to invest in a strong visual brand. Through this article, you will learn of six useful ways you can follow to create a strong visual brand identity for your brand.

Go for the Right Network

The number of individuals using social media is continually rising by the day. The number of social media networks is also growing to the extent that you can get to hundreds when you start counting. The first step taken by freelance social media managers in the UAE is to determine which platforms work best for their brands.

It would help if you always considered the individuals you will be targeting and the most popular social media platform in their base. Although Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are some of the most widely used social sites, you may also try out others such as TikTok, Pinterest, Linked In, etc.

The site that you should maximize your marketing efforts on should have the majority of your target audience. There is no point in investing a lot on a particular platform, and yet the products and services you sell aren’t used by the larger audience on that site.

Relevant and Consistent choice of color

Maintaining consistency is crucial not only for visibility purposes but also to maximize people’s psychology. Freelance social media managers in Dubai recommend that your social media profile should have consistent color, not only on your posts but also on the stories and highlights pallets. This will help ensure that the customers are familiar with the brand and start having a close relationship with it.

When you start understanding color psychology, you will resort to using it to evoke all your customer’s rightful feelings. Whenever you select your colors, you must always settle for that one that matches your brand message. Ensure the color is captivating and that you consistently use it.

Consider Using Influencers

Creating a visual brand does not mean that you will always do it with your company page. In case you are new in this game and have aspirations of growing big, there are fewer chances that you will always achieve that using the content that you will publish on your social profile that is relatively known.

When you use influencers to help advertise your brand on their social media pages, they will help provide you with the publicity you seek. You can also have your pages linked to theirs, which will make it easier for you to attract followers to your pages.

You can only grow your page through mentions and links. The influencers can always create posts about your services, goods, brand, and face, placing the links on your profile or tagging you.

Ensure to Publish Unique Content

Creating unique content is the most undeniable element that can help you achieve a strong visual brand. With more and more people getting into what you are doing, there will always be competition when it comes to creating a fabulous social media presence.

The only thing that will make you stand out is how you will do yours. With that, you should never copy anyone. It would help if you had a very distinctive, memorable, and unique way. When you decide to devolve into what the other brand is doing, there are high chances you will get lost in the crown.

Call to Action

A call to action is crucial whenever you are developing content for any digital marketing firm. Ensure you always feed the audience with the best content and make them happy using your presentations in the form of images and texts.

After you have taken your followers around and made them understand what you offer, it is vital that you always tell them what to do or the next step they can follow for them to receive benefits. Be sure to be creative while doing so and avoid using generic terms for your CTA. Phrases such as ‘Download now’ have a lower conversion rate than ‘Download your free E-book now.’

 Have a Purpose

Lack of having a purpose can quickly kill your dreams. Whenever you visualize your business, you must have a plan. Most people do wander due to a lack of having a purpose. Before you embark on your marketing, you should map out whatever that you want to achieve and ensure you never lose focus until you have earned it.

If need be, create a timeline or a schedule that you’ll adhere to, ticking out everything you’ve accomplished and focusing on the things that need to get done.


The current market environment is extremely competitive, and only the best can survive. These six tips will act as a guideline to enable you to build a strong visual identity on social media. You can always reach out to professional freelance social media managers in Dubai, who will employ further sophisticated tactics to ensure your brand stands out.

from Best Blog For Freelancers https://blog.bawabba.com/freelance-social-media-marketing/6-ingredients-to-a-strong-visual-brand-on-social-media/

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