Saturday, September 19, 2020

6 Ways to Incorporate a Visual Marketing Strategy to your Campaigns 

6 Ways to Incorporate a Visual Marketing Strategy to your Campaigns 

The right visual marketing strategy will help you beat the competition and grow your brand. For most freelance digital marketers in Dubai, pictures, graphics, color, videos, and infographics help to connect with their audience across the board.

Internet users like visually attractive websites and social media pages. In addition to that, such websites and social media platforms present information in an easy-to-understand manner.

However, how do you ensure that you are effectively using this strategy to leave your competition in the dust? It may seem to be a daunting task, but there are easier ways to do it. Take a look at six proven ways you can succeed in your visual marketing strategies:

1. Start by finding the right tools

It would be best if you had the right visual marketing tools to get the best results. These tools make it easy to create logos and come up with appealing infographics. If your budget allows, you can hire a professional designer to do everything for you.

From creating logos and cover photos to social media to banners and videos, everything should be perfect. However, you can also choose to use some of the paid or free tools that are available online if you have such skills. You will notice that the number of tools at your disposal is almost endless.

2. Be unique

While there are many tips that you can follow to incorporate visual marketing in your brand, being unique is the first thing that should come to mind. People might find it hard to identify your brand if you only copy content and designs from other sources. By making them unique, you present yourself as a serious marketer.

You will notice that even when people see the content on other platforms, they will link them to you. That is how you beat your competitors, even in their backyard.

You need to take a unique approach when sharing your content too. For instance, you need to know where to find your target audience. Figure out what platforms work best for your brand and capitalize on it.

3. Pick the right visual content

When it comes to creating visual content for your online marketing campaigns, the options are many. Some marketers prefer to use only one type of content, while others use a combination of them. All these options will work out as long as you know how to do it right.

For instance, if you feel that creating infographics is the only way to make people understand your information, you are free to capitalize on it. Other options include colors, pictures, images, graphs, and many more. It would help if you also optimized the visuals for the right keywords to increase their visibility across the web.

4. Maximize the usage of user-generated content

If you follow the latest trends used by freelance digital marketers in the UAE, you must have noticed some changes in how brands curate their content. One of the most significant changes is that the marketers are focusing more on user-generated content than branded materials. Such content is likely to influence consumer decisions and bring authenticity to your marketing campaigns.

To effectively create user-generated content, customers should be involved in everything. It is quite easy with the latest technology. For instance, creating a hashtag and encouraging your audience to use it when sharing your products can leave you with tons of content.

Other options include photo contests and reviews. If you search for your brand using Google, you will get reviews by bloggers and customers. Use this information to come up with content that focuses on their stories.

5. Give an identity to your visual content

Your brand’s key visual assets showcase your visual identity. They include your logo, colors, fonts, and typography. Because of that, you need to start by carefully choosing these assets.

Keep in mind that they will have to combine and provide a consistent visual identity. The identity should also speak about the values associated with the brand. The most important thing is to be consistent. When customers look at the visual content, they should recognize your brand instantly.

6. Come up with a visual marketing calendar

It would be a huge mistake to embark on visual marketing without creating a calendar of events. It is the calendar that allows you to prioritize tasks and spend more time on the most creative ones. In addition to that, it helps you plan effectively and hit all deadlines.

When creating the calendar, make sure that all the content is consistent by determining where visual content should feature at every time. Above all, the calendar should supplement other efforts and be the medium through which new products and services hit the market. Therefore, a good calendar should not only feature visual content, but also include blog posts, white papers, and other materials.


The current market is highly competitive and regardless of your industry, you ought to identify creative means to remain relevant. As time goes, new trends emerge, and judging by the many technological advances, this isn’t slowing down any time soon. This is why it is crucial to stay ahead of the rest by keeping tabs on upcoming trends and seeing how to incorporate them into your marketing campaigns.

To leave their competition in the dust, freelance digital marketers in Dubai revise their visual marketing strategies regularly to align them with market trends. This is the reason they set new goals when the trends change. Even though it is important to have long-term goals, you should not be afraid of changing your short-term activities when you feel that they need some tweaking.

However, once you know how to create the right strategy, your competition will be the least of your worries. Good luck with your next visual marketing project.

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