Wednesday, July 22, 2020

How Videos Help Small Business owners Generate more sales

How Videos Help Small Business owners Generate more sales

Understanding the Customer Journey

There is a saying in the business world that the customer is always right. Therefore, it is very important for small business owners to understand them and their behavior. Because with understanding comes the strategy that you would apply to increase your sales.

Understanding your customer’s journey is vital. You can provide them with better user experience, and in turn, maintain or increase your customer retention rate. And ultimately maximizing profits.

The customer journey means the track of a consumer towards purchasing a product. It contains five phases and they are collectively called an ‘onboarding process’. To put it in simple terms, it means the journey of a customer from start to finish, from seeing a product to purchasing it.

Stages of Customer Journey

1. Awareness

Awareness or commonly known as the pre-sale period is the first stage of the customer journey. This is the discovery phase where a customer comes across your product. He or she will most certainly be looking to solve and existing problem or for pure research purposes.

For this part, your marketing department would need to hire a very skilled videographer in Dubai. You would be required to make a video whereby you target the customer’s pain points. You should be aware of the obstacles that your customer faces and address them in the video.

Your determination to provide the best solution should be evident in the video. And remember, repetition is the key here. Let the product sink in the minds of the customer. That is why the first week is the most important and crucial.

2. Consideration

This is also known as the pre-sale period and is the second stage in the customer journey. At this point, the customer has come across your product and it has become a momentary master of the customer’s attention.

Now, you would like your video to lure the consumer in. You would be asked to flaunt its best features and talk about its advantages. This is an exercise that will probably retain the customer on your website or your video. And make him do the purchasing.

3. Purchase

This part is also called the post-sale and the third stage in the customer journey. At this point, your videographer in Dubai has done an amazing job. The purchasing is completed. But you do not need to stop.

The customer needs to be acknowledged. Welcome him or her and keep them updated on the process. Let them be aware of their product delivery.

4. Retention

This is the fourth and probably the most difficult phase. For this stage, the firm needs to make strong efforts to maintain customer satisfaction. There is a need to have an outstanding approval rating. Try to help your client if there is any problem.

Make a video on how to solve any issues with the product. Your business needs to provide amazing after-sales service so that customers have a good time while shopping.

5. Advocacy

If all the other phases have been done properly, then this part is not so difficult. It is the last stage of the customer journey.

At this point, the customer would become your regular consumers and you would have built a good following. With this, you would get the best influence on your product as your current customers talk about it.

You can also offer deals such as share with your friends and get 20% off on the next order. This works wonders.

Cost in Dubai

It is quite a complicated estimation as to what should be the charge of shooting a video. Different quality of videos are the product of different types of videographers. But what we need to find is someone who shoots corporate video.

On average, a corporate video is shot for AED 3000 and upward. If you choose to make an animated video, it will be expensive like AED 14000. However, if you decide to make a promotional video for your product, it will include motion graphics, title, voice-over, and background music.

This type of package will cost you a minimum of AED 3000. The length at this price range would be 30 to 60 seconds of video footage.

Hire a freelancer

If you asked me what is the best way to make this work, I would recommend you to go for a freelance videographer in Dubai. These freelancers might present you with discounts or extra features for your video.

There are a huge number of them waiting just for you on Bawabba. Just log on to it and hire!

Repurpose videos

There is a prevailing concept of repurposing videos to make them fresh and save resources. Your freelance videographer in Dubai would be able to make more videos by adding updated content.

Other ways to repurpose videos include reinforcing your messaging. You can use new phrases or maybe alter the script a little to drive a little bit extra audience. You can create videos from your top ranking blog posts as it would have a wider reach.

You can also take your webinar video (if you have one) and ask your videographer in Dubai to take short clips from them. Additionally, you can then use different methods to distribute those videos.

Run Ads 

Last but not the least, running ads is perhaps the best way to achieve traffic. You can start a social media campaign by hiring a digital marketer from Bawabba. Then you would be asked to make an investment to run the ads.

Facebook, by far, has the biggest audience. You could ask your videographer to make a small clip and then run it on Facebook. If done correctly, the result would most likely be astounding.

Similarly, you can run your ads on Google. You can rank your specific keyword on the top of google search and drive traffic from there. Google even provides a certain amount of ad credit to get you started. This would result in organic searches. And eventually, your business would be booming.

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