Tuesday, May 12, 2020

How Professional Freelance Writers Use Twitter to Advance Their Career

How Professional Freelance Writers Use Twitter to Advance Their Career

There is no denying that social media platforms are major communication platforms for freelance content writers. As a freelancer, you can use social media platforms to promote your articles, reach out to your readers, increase your connections, and express yourself to the world. Most businesses use platforms like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for target marketing, influencer marketing, sponsored campaigns, and boosted posts. However, you must learn how to choose the right social media platform for your business to maximize your brand and maximize your return on investment. In this article, we will discuss how the best writers use Twitter.

How Twitter Can Help Freelance Writers in Dubai

Like other freelancers in Dubai, writers can take advantage of the many opportunities offered by Twitter. Although Facebook and Instagram are the perfect marketing sites for businesses, Twitter offers unique benefits that can help writers grow their readers’ base and increase interactions. Some of the ways the best writers have been using Twitter include:

1. Networking

Twitter is a perfect platform to find and connect with freelancers from all parts of the world. You need connections to establish your brand and increase your fan base. Most of the well-established freelancers use networking platforms to get job leads, referrals, and build a professional network. With the use of hashtags, you can find a large number of posts and people within your niche. For example, if you are interested in content marketing, you can connect with other writers in the same niche by conducting a simple hashtag search using #marketing content. You can also look for the popular hashtags commonly used by freelance content writers like #WritersLife, #freelance Life, and #AmWriting.

Once you find connections, you can start engaging them through tweets, retweets, contributing to their posts, and subscribing to their blogs and newsletters. Your goal should not only gain followers but to create authentic connections. You should avoid shortcuts such as the service offered by websites claiming to increase your followers in just a few days, as they tend to be bots and not real people. Furthermore, Twitter has put in place measures that help identify bots resulting in regular updates of followers. Authenticity in social media is important as only real followers can help you grow your brand. Keep in mind that your connections will determine the referrals, opportunities, and insights that you can get on Twitter.

2. Learning

Most companies, individuals, and organizations use twitter to educate followers. Unlike other social platforms that are commonly used for marketing purposes, you are more likely to learn something new than find a new product on Twitter. If you fill your feed with fellow freelancers, you will find helpful posts from authors and editors that can help you improve your writing skills. You are also likely to find new topics, data, and statistics that you can use in your future pieces of writing. You can learn about almost everything on Twitter using #AMA hashtag from the big names in the publishing industry. Twitter will always recommend people and institutions that you can follow to find similar posts on your area of interest. As a social media user, you will find tips on how to successfully manage a social media crisis, which will become more likely as you increase followers.

3. Promotion

Once you build a reliable, authentic network, it will become easier to get your content to reach a large following. Freelancers are supportive of each other and will freely share your content as long as they find the information helpful to their followers. They can also be a source of quality traffic as they tend to recommend blogs, articles, and accounts to their audience. By suggesting your articles or blogs on their networks and social media platforms, you enjoy the benefits of cross-promotion. Cross-promotion introduces your blog to new audiences. Twitter has a follow trains feature that enables users to ask people reading the article to follow every person who responds to the post. The feature helps grow your following within the niche. However, it is necessary to keep in mind the social media marketing mistakes that you should avoid helping you enjoy maximum returns on your Twitter investment.

Tips That Can Help You Grow Your Twitter Followers like a Professional

You will not enjoy greater returns on Twitter and other social media platforms unless you have a substantial following. Thankfully, it is not difficult to grow your network as some people may make you believe with the right mindset and patience. With the following tips, you will not only increase your followers, but you will build a large network of quality like-minded professionals.

1. Set up your profile the right way

Unless your profile is attractive and eye-catching, you will struggle to build a quality network. Before they can follow you, people must establish that you are trustworthy. They will also need to know that you have the right skills and expertise to get their job done. You should make sure that you have a quality picture of yourself. It is also helpful to ensure that all your social media handles share the same quality photo to help people from different platforms recognize you easily. Furthermore, as a freelancer in the UAE, you should include all keywords that relate to what you do to enable clients to discover your profile.

Your Twitter profile will be the primary marketing content, and thus, you must include words that clients will likely use in your bio. You must give attention to what your username relays to your followers. Experts use professional names as their usernames. Instead of using creative names like @Babygirl, you should stick with your name or the name of your freelance business. If you have a website, you should also include the link for those who could be interested in learning more about your business.

2. Follow and Interact with Clients

Once your profile is done, you should follow and interact with clients regularly. When starting, liking and sharing the content in your niche will make your clients notice you and, thus, join your network. You should respond to some of the tweets that are of interest to you to increase the level of interaction.

3. Consistently share relevant content

While it can be tempting to share a wide range of content that you find interesting, if your goal is to build a quality network, you should only share content that is relevant to your niche. Sharing consistent content with your followers will help you build your name as an expert in the industry.


If you would like to become one of the professional freelance content writers, you must take advantage of the networking opportunities offered by Twitter and other social media platforms. They help you build your brand, increase conversations, build traffic, and increase subscriptions and conversions without any cost if you choose to manage your account.

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The post How Professional Freelance Writers Use Twitter to Advance Their Career appeared first on Bawabba Blog.

from Bawabba Blog https://blog.bawabba.com/freelance-social-media-marketing/3-ways-freelance-writers-use-twitter-to-grow-their-career/

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