Wednesday, November 27, 2019

High-Speed Photography Techniques

High-Speed Photography Techniques

Taking images of objects in motion is one of the most challenging yet worthwhile aspects of photography. The photography style gives little time to reason, with no room for error. Settings with high-speed objects, including situations like the ones you encounter during wildlife photography and sports photography, can easily overwhelm a photographer. 

If you are looking to scale the heights of success as a freelance photographer in Dubai, mastering the art of high-speed photography can be one of the most rewarding niches to pursue. You can capture events falling in a predictable sequence. Whichever your photography circumstances, you will want to identify a trigger, pause for an event, before taking the photo.

Consider using these five tricks to help improve your waiting percentage right away;

1. Tips for Focusing

If you are going to take quick shots, we recommend using DSLR cameras. The cameras come with continuous focusing features that allow tracking of moving subjects. Start by keeping your center focus point on the object as you hold the shutter halfway down. Doing this will find the trigger. As you follow your object on the viewfinder, you will notice the camera automatically adjusting the focus with the subject closing in. 

Once you are ready to obtain the image, continuously press down the shutter. Changing the burst from single-shot mode to the continuous high-speed style ensures more responsiveness, by providing more frames per second, which can capture the fastest of motions. 

2. Get The Right Lens

You can still get frame-filling action images even when limited to the bleachers. A longer lens is arguably the most helpful tool for action photography. A telephoto zoom ranging between 70mm and 300mm can cover the whole sports arena from your seat. You can capture distant subjects without much effort, which means you don’t have to hassle for the front row space. For a different perspective, consider standing on a small stool by the fence. 

3. Shutter Speeds

When covering competitive sports or a high action event, you may have to push use even faster shutter speeds. For example, pushing the shutter speed at 1/500 can give excellent shots for high-speed sports. The rate is so quick that you can freeze a sprinting athlete without any motion blurs. It is critical to understand how shutter speeds can influence your exposure. 

With the actual shutter only opening for a brief moment, it shields the sensor from receiving too much light. The higher ISO and a wider aperture such as /f4 can work to compensate for the light limitations. You can almost seemingly pause life by upgrading to the lightning-fast shutter speeds, say 1/1000. For a sense of how quickly the shutter speed is, you will freeze an F-22 jet moving at 500mph, using the 1/1000 speed. 

Thanks to the latest advances in technology, you can capture instances that the human eye won’t recognize. 

4. Shallow Depth of Field

Have you ever wondered how most of the players in sports illustrations are sharp, while the fans appear out of focus? To take such shots, photographers often choose a wide aperture. Doing this not only creates a shallow DoF, but also allows plenty of light into the camera. For that reason, it is possible to work with a fast shutter speed to stop the action.     

You’ll want to invest in a lense that can open up to f/2.8 if you are passionate about doing sports photography as a freelancer. In some areas, you may hear people calling them fast lenses. The term describes how the wide aperture quickly allows light into the camera. 

Have your camera lens working at the widest possible aperture. Based on your specific gear, the setting should probably fall around f/2.8 or f/5.6. Doing this will throw the background out of focus and bring all the attention to the players. 

You will avoid the distant houses or cars from distracting the moment of the action. Along with making a shallow DoF, the wide aperture permits plenty of light, which helps to achieve the right exposure even on fields with poor lighting. 

5. Take Advantage Of The ISO

It should not surprise you that a high ISO can as well help during bright sunny days. For instance, if you are doing sports photography, the slowest shutter speed you can use to stop object motion should be 1/500. You will also use a wide aperture starting at around f/2.8. The two settings will easily capture images that appear too dark. 

The ISO can come to your rescue at this point, more so if you use the best DSLR cameras. Double the ISO number and you will almost instantly get brighter images. If you still need more light, do another double for the ISO. The moment you incorporate ISO control in the image creation process, you no longer limit the exposure to shutter speed and aperture. You can use the new technical knowledge to grow your freelance photographic opportunities in the UAE and beyond. 

The Wrap Up

High-speed photography techniques come with the ability to shoot clear images almost anywhere, with nearly endless possibilities. Use the discussed skills to your advantage, and you will notice a decisive transformation in your photography craft. With the problematic scenes that were once too dark, now within your reach, it’s a great time to display what you can to the freelance world. At Bawabba, you stand higher chances to land the right clients by joining this network of professional  freelance photographers in Dubai for free.

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