Friday, September 27, 2019

10 Points You Must Discuss With The Interior Designer When Designing Your Dream Kitchen

Whether you hire a well established Interior designing company or a freelance Interior designer in Dubai, the points below will help you build your dream kitchen that requires minimal maintenance in the long run.

Due to modernization and the continued lack of living spaces in towns and cities, modern homes are getting modular kitchens. These modern kitchens are pretty simple to maintain – only if you know how to. Starting it out can be overwhelming and a bit of a mystery. Should you face this puzzle, you are not alone.

Furthermore, kitchen maintenance manuals do not come with the home – something we are all yet to find out why. Either way, we have gathered some handy tips from some of the most renowned home interior designers in the UAE on how to design your dream kitchen. 

1. The counter-top

The counter-top or the working station is basically where almost all the action takes place. It is also another place that requires a lot of cleaning and scrubbing after cooking. The best thing you could do is to never think of installing regular tiles there. Look for materials that have zero to a few joints in them. 

The ideal candidates for this job are; stainless steel, marble, quartz, and glass. Granite is a favorite for many interior designers in Dubai due to its convenience in cleaning and maintenance. For a cheaper option, large porcelain tiles are starting to be the new kings of the kitchen counter. They are large, very few joints, and very easy to scrub and keep clean at all times. 

2. Kitchen Cabinets

Regularly cleaning your kitchen will keep away bacteria, insects, and unknown to many, it will save you the tiresome chores. Letting dirt and dust pile up will give you a much harder time trying to do the cleaning. If your kitchen cabinets have a laminate, acrylic, or PU finishing, you will only need a soft cloth and a mild cleaner. 

A solution of white vinegar and water can also do the trick. When doing this, you should pay special attention to the regions near the cooking area. This is where the oils, cooking fumes, and grime can build up. Normally, interior designers in Dubai present different options available to the clients to match their tastes and requirements.

3. Have designated areas to keep your hot appliances

This is a great point you need to discuss with your interior designers. Let’s say you have just finished cooking or serving a hot meal. If you have wooden or laminate kitchen counters or tables, do not directly place the hot cooking appliances such as plates and pans. This is because hot appliances can burn or damage such surfaces. Alternatively, you can use a soft, lint-free piece of cloth to keep the surface free from the wrath of the heat. 

You can also use a cheesecloth or a cut-up old t-shirt. Doing so will prevent your surfaces from unnecessary burns, leaving them looking good as new for many years. If you hire an experienced interior designer in Dubai, they will allocate suitable areas for your kitchen appliances to ensure everything works well in your kitchen. 

4. Watch out for acidic products on certain surfaces

Some foods contain tiny amounts of acid in them. Too much exposure of this to specific surfaces eventually ruins them. Citrus fruits, such as lime and oranges, contain a particular amount of acid in them. If they continuously fall on surfaces such as those made of marble, they will react negatively. 

A porous material like marble will react with the acid in these citrus fruits. The result is a discolored pigment, which is very hard to eliminate. Turmeric has similar disadvantages as the reaction with marble will bring forth discoloration, which is permanent. Should such acidic foods spill on such a table and counter-tops, ensure that you clean out immediately.  You could also discuss this point with your interior designer.

5. Division of labor

When building a kitchen, the majority of interior design companies in Dubai would recommend getting at least two sinks instead of one. Division of labor herein refers to the fact that when one sink is being used for prep and cooking, the other one can be used for doing the cleanups. Kitchen maintenance, therefore, becomes smooth and much more comfortable. 

6. The floor beneath

Another important to discuss with your interior designer is the floor. It has a tremendous impact on how your kitchen will be maintained in the long run. Flooring, which requires only a damp wipe is the most ideal as cleaning becomes effortless. Wood can be an option, although one has to be very careful with it. This is a kitchen, and there are hot things all over. Any spill can have detrimental impacts. Most interior designers in Dubai do not prefer wooden flooring in the kitchen.

Vinyl, linoleum or Marmoleum floors are much more recommended as they are much easier to clean and can withstand hot appliances for some time. Moreover, you can also opt for large tiles that have minimal to no joints at all. Cleaning and maintaining your kitchen thereafter becomes quite simple.  

7. Simplicity in design

The design of the cabinets is a hot topic for discussion when designing your dream kitchen. Trust us if we say that you should avoid ornate style elaborate designs for your kitchen cabinets. Over time, they become more challenging to maintain and clean. Modern kitchen cabinets rarely come with handles and will turn out better, easier to clean, and much simpler to maintain.

If you become trendy and install such, you will enjoy the privileges of low-cost maintenance. You may also organize to have the cabinets custom-made for you. Closed cabinets, for example, keep your kitchen appliances not only safe but also prevent them from easily getting dirty. This point is hard to miss when discussing a kitchen design, with any interior designer in Dubai.

8. Under the sink

For easier maintenance of your kitchen, you should have some space beneath the sink where you keep all your cleaning materials. Keeping them organized here will help in keeping the kitchen neater and cleaner. Tell the interior designer to make space for the cleaning tools. You should be able to access them easily whenever you need them.

9. Gadget garage

Make space for all your essential kitchen gadgets such as microwaves, toasts, etc. Doing so prevents too much running around the kitchen when accessing these gadgets. Furthermore, it also saves on space, not to mention keeping them safe becomes easier. You ought to clean such devices once in a while, so having them all together makes the whole work easier for you. Power points and sockets should be installed near the appliances so you do not have to use long wires to connect your appliance. 

10. Away with the crawling intruders!

Cockroaches are notorious for visiting kitchens, regardless of wherever you live. However, this is beyond the control of your interior designer. However, Modular kitchens are designed intelligently to keep cockroaches and other pests away. For example, the sink in the modular kitchens comes with a cap that blocks the cockroaches from entering the kitchen. Moreover, the shelves and cabinets in modular kitchens have minimal space in between. They are usually sealed tight together, leaving no place for cockroaches to enter.

Additionally, You could discuss more creative ways to cover other cracks and holes in your kitchen. Once you start using the kitchen, never leave food uncovered, get rid of the garbage bags, do not leave dirty utensils overnight, and use pesticides at least once a month to keep your kitchen pest-free. 

Kitchen Maintenance Made Easy

The first step to achieve these tips is to have a kitchen designed by a professional interior designer. Get the services of experienced freelance home interior designers in Dubai at very competitive prices. You will live to thank us many years later. 

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